Self-Mastery Re-Sourced

Sage Thought Leadership

Powerful Podcast Series for Self-Mastery and so much more...

In this premiere episode, Lisa Brazelton and Maurits van Sambeek discuss the importance of Self-Discovery through Thought Leadership. This is a deep dive dialogue into the meaning of Self-Mastery, offering insights into the making of a wise Thought Leader. Please come back for further discussions between Thought Leaders exploring the process of self-discovery into self-mastery.

Learn how to profoundly change your life and impact the world with your unique voice.

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Posted by Lisa M. Brazelton
With 24 years of executive leadership and entrepreneurial experience, Lisa believes in the field of human potential and is a facilitator of personal and organizational change. A six-time business executive in Facility Management, Executive Coaching and Training & Marketing, Lisa is dedicated to helping leaders who want to understand their deeper purpose, and unlocking the gifts hidden in the human heart.